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Stress and Burnout Coach in Hilversum - Jessica Groot

Stress and Burnout Coach in Hilversum

Jessica Groot is our qualified Stress and Burnout Coach in Hilversum. Besides Stress and Burnout coaching, Jessica is highly specialised in Absenteeism coaching and Vitality coaching. In addition, she not only works as a Stress and Burnout Coach in Hilversum, but she carries out her multifaceted specialisations in Amersfoort and Utrecht. Through online coaching, Jessica is also available nationwide.

Meet our Stress and Burnout Coach in Hilversum, Jessica Groot, below and see what she can do for you personally.


Who am I

I'm Jessica Groot, Your Strategic Coach! I'll tell you more about the genesis of JSC Coaching. JSC Coaching was created with the passion that everyone should have the opportunity to speak their thoughts, problems, development questions and work with them. Your personal development creates more peace and space in your head and you get to know yourself better. This allows you to focus on the things that matter to you.

Whether this is a development question, stress-related complaints or you want to know more about working vitally. This is all negotiable. During the sessions, I find it important to ensure a familiar environment. You need to feel at ease. Together, we make a goal-oriented plan to turn your question or problem into a development plan. You gain insight into what is bothering you and how you can deal with it. Your development always comes first!

What can you expect from me

During the coaching session, I find it important that you really start helping yourself. We achieve this through conversations and exercises. The exercises give you more insight into what you are up against and what hinders you. In addition, together we clarify your convictions and look at which resources you already possess and can use. At the end of the coaching process, you will have an action plan for yourself to work on.

You can go for one session, in which we dissect your help question. But you can also go for a coaching programme. During the coaching process, we go deeper into your help question and can also make an action plan.

In addition, this can also be used in case of (impending) absenteeism. Especially for employees who have dropped out or are at risk of dropping out with stress-related complaints. Employers benefit greatly from this and are often willing to pay for the programmes.

Want to know more about the possibilities and whether I am the right coach for you? Get in touch and make an appointment for a FREE introduction!

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