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Freek Donders (Montpellier)

Business coach in Montpellier, Freek Donders

Career coach in Montpellier, France

Freek Donders is our qualified Career Coach in Montpellier, France! Besides his Career Coaching, Freek is highly specialised both in Business Development, through coaching, consulting and training, and in Change Management, in terms of initiation and guidance.

Where people see a problem, Freek sees a challenge. He does nothing more than help you out of your problems and guide you in the right direction.

Not only does he work as a Career Coach in Montpellier and throughout France, but he also offers his helping hand online in the Netherlands. Besides Dutch as his mother tongue, Freek is fluent in French and English.

Meet our Career Coach Freek Donders below and see what he can do for you personally.

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Who am I

My motto is: 'result, meaning, enjoy'. This is also why: 'where there is no will, I am gone'.

Decades of working with people from management and board positions as well as with clients have shaped me in coaching leadership and consultative selling. Literature and interest have further inspired and professionalised me.
It starts with a Coaching question that we determine together with the client. I like to listen, summarise and ask through.

What can you expect from me
An Intake conversation is always free of charge. First clarify what you want, what your goal is and what you expect from me next. Your personal inspiration always comes first. Then we get to work.

I ask questions and expand on your answers. We engage in conversation. That gives direction and can also be confrontational, but pleasant. In this way, we mutually clarify what moves you, what really makes you happy.

That 'inventory' forms the joint basis for further ideas, wishes, plans, advice and tips.

Contact me and let's make your entrepreneurial career a success story together!

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